Chelsea took control of the game early

Chelsea continued their stellar start to the season with a convincing 3-1 victory over Twente in the UEFA Women’s Champions League group stage. Goals from Aggie Beever-Jones, Maika Hamano, and Guro Reiten secured the win for the Blues, propelling them to the top of their group. Twente, despite their first group stage appearance, put in a determined performance, and will take heart from this match as they aim to progress from the group.

First Half Dominance by Chelsea

Chelsea took control of the game early, asserting their dominance in possession and creating dangerous chances. Aggie Beever-Jones opened the scoring with a well-timed run and finish, capitalizing on Twente's defensive gaps. Chelsea's fluid attacking play saw Maika Hamano double the lead before halftime, leaving the Dutch side trailing by two goals at the break. Twente, however, displayed moments of promise, particularly through counter-attacks, but lacked the clinical finishing needed to trouble Chelsea's defense.

Second Half: A Glimmer for Twente

The second half began with Chelsea still in control, but Twente looked determined to get back into the match. Despite Chelsea's dominance, Twente showed signs of revival, especially after conceding a penalty in the 62nd minute, which Guro Reiten confidently converted to make it 3-0. Twente didn’t give up and found a well-deserved goal through Van Dijk in the 68th minute, sparking a brief surge in confidence. Chelsea, however, managed the game effectively, holding their lead and seeing out the result.

Game Management and Key Players

Chelsea’s ability to manage the game in the closing stages was crucial. Emma Hayes’ side used substitutions wisely, bringing on players like Erin Cuthbert to shore up the midfield and help Chelsea control the pace of the game. Twente’s teenage talent, Ivens, impressed with her fearlessness and creativity, making several daring runs, although her efforts did not translate into goals.

Despite their defeat, Twente can look forward to their remaining group matches with optimism. With strong performances and lessons learned, they will be confident of competing for one of the top two spots in the group, especially with Real Madrid and Celtic also in the mix.


Chelsea’s win keeps them at the top of the group, continuing their perfect start to the season. Their combination of clinical finishing and solid game management makes them favorites to progress further in the competition. Twente, on the other hand, have shown they can compete at this level and will aim to improve as they look to escape the group stage in their debut season.

Questions :

1. Do you think Chelsea have what it takes to win the Champions League this season based on their current form?
2. Can Twente surprise everyone and make it out of the group stage in their first appearance?
3. How important are young talents like Aggie Beever-Jones and Ivens for their respective teams’ future success?
Match Stats Chelsea (CHE) Twente (TWE)
Possession (%) 59% 41%
Attempts 7 4
Off Target 4 4
On Target 4 4
Corners 1 4
Fouls 8 4


** 玛丽·福勒进球助曼城险胜圣珀尔滕,惊魂过后松了口气**

在一场惊心动魄的女子欧冠比赛中,澳大利亚前锋玛丽·福勒的关键进球帮助曼彻斯特城以3-2险胜奥地利黑马圣珀尔滕。这 场比赛让曼城有惊无险地拿下了胜利,尽管他们刚刚战胜卫冕冠军巴塞罗那,表现堪称辉煌,但面对顽强的对手,瓜雷斯·泰勒 的球队不得不拼尽全力,展现了球队的深度与一些隐忧。

比赛开始时,曼城占得先机,澳大利亚后卫阿兰娜·肯尼迪在比赛第5分钟打入一记精彩的远射。这是她自2022年5月以来 首次在俱乐部比赛中进球。肯尼迪的这粒进球似乎为曼城奠定了轻松取胜的基础。然而,圣珀尔滕并未因早早失球而气馁,他们 逐渐找回节奏。尽管曼城占据了大量控球优势并创造了多次机会,但圣珀尔滕的门将卡里娜·施吕特尔屡次做出精彩扑救,令曼 城的进攻无功而返。

曼城在门前挥霍机会的代价很快显现出来。尽管他们一直掌控局面,但多次错失良机,肯尼迪近距离的头球偏出,劳拉·布林德 基尔德·布朗也将球打偏。随着曼城球员的急躁情绪渐浓,圣珀尔滕抓住曼城防守上的失误,由梅拉妮·布伦塔勒将比分扳平。

面对局面失控,泰勒在半场时做出调整,提前换上了贾马尔·肖,试图重新掌握比赛节奏。然而,圣珀尔滕再次制造惊喜,由卡 米拉·杜布科娃抓住曼城防守失误,转身射入一球,将比分反超至2-1。

不过,曼城迅速作出回应。克洛伊·凯利送出精妙传中,日本前锋藤野葵凌空抽射破门,将比分扳为2-2。扳平比分后,泰勒 立刻换上了球队的三名关键球员:劳伦·亨普、吉尔·罗尔德和拉伊娅·阿莱克桑德里。她们的登场使曼城全面掌控了比赛,连 续的进攻终于让圣珀尔滕防线崩溃。

比赛的决定性时刻出现在最后阶段,亨普开出的角球被福勒头球顶入,帮助曼城以3-2取得胜利。福勒的进球为曼城锁定了胜 局,但这场艰难的胜利也暴露出球队在防守和进攻效率上的不足,泰勒需要在接下来的比赛中进行调整。

赛后,泰勒对球队的表现表示了宽慰,但也强调了比赛的艰难。“我很高兴能拿到三分,”泰勒说。他指出了场地条件的困难, 并称赞了对手的顽强表现,警告说这样的比赛从来都不容易,尽管外界可能认为对手是“送分童子”。泰勒还特别提到18岁的 科迪·托马斯,这名年轻右后卫完成了她在曼城的一线队首秀,表现可圈可点。

与此同时,克洛伊·凯利的比赛时间减少引发了一些流言,称她对目前的状况不满。然而,泰勒对此进行了否认,称这完全是 “子虚乌有”。尽管如此,凯利在比赛中的助攻展示了她对球队的重要性。

### 结论

曼城在这场比赛中表现出色的韧性帮助他们逆转取胜,但球队在防守和射门效率方面的问题同样明显。玛丽·福勒的关键进球确 保了胜利,但对阵一支实力稍弱的对手,曼城如此艰难地取胜也让人对他们的稳定性产生疑问。随着赛季的深入,泰勒需要加强 防守,并提升进攻端的效率,才能在欧冠赛场上走得更远。

### 留给读者的思考问题

- 你认为曼城的防守问题是因为轮换阵容导致的,还是反映了更深层次的战术问题?
- 曼城深厚的阵容深度在他们的欧冠征程中有多重要?
- 尽管克洛伊·凯利在比赛中有重要表现,但她的上场时间减少是否会影响她在球队的长期前景?
- 曼城能否在欧洲赛场上保持连胜势头,还是说他们的不稳定表现会在后期拖累他们?